Twitch › twitchchatroomA chat room for friendly chatters who like to chat. A chat room for friendly chatters who like to chat. Skip navigation. Browse. ... Stream Chat. Welcome to the chat ...
Chat Basics - Twitch › s › articleChat Filters. Toggling Enable Filtering in Chat will enable/disable local filtering for all chat channels across Twitch. You can customize this filtering to your liking by toggling individual filters (Discrimination, Profanity, etc) on or off.
Chat Basics - Twitch Filters. Toggling Enable Filtering in Chat will enable/disable local filtering for all chat channels across Twitch. You can customize this filtering to your liking by toggling individual filters (Discrimination, Profanity, etc) on or off.These filters do not affect what other users in the chat see and filtering will not occur in channels in which you are a channel moderator.