streamlabs - Yahoo Search Results › reviewsStreamlabs is the best free video live streaming app for creators. Play mobile games and share your screen or broadcast your camera to social platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and more! Play mobile games and share your screen or broadcast your camera to social platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and more!
Stream Labs and software manufactured and supplied by Stream Labs perform the following tasks: broadcast monitoring, multichannel logging, broadcast automation ...
NDI Receiving Setup in Streamlabs Desktop › hc › en-usDec 12, 2021 · 2. Setup to Receive NDI stream with Streamlabs Desktop. Once your local network contains one or more NDI streams you can add them as a source in Streamlabs Desktop. Simply click the + icon above the sources to add a new source and select NDI Source. In the properties of the NDI source, select which NDI stream you want to receive and display.