24.12.2021 · stris a string type, and bytes is a byte type. encode str to get bytes, and decode bytes to get str. The two are mutually converted. One of the reasons for the above problem is the use of decoding on the str string, which is obviously the pig's head and the horse's tail.
28.12.2021 · Attribute errors occur in Python when you try to reference an invalid attribute. If the attribute you want for built-in data types does not exist, you should look for an attribute that does something similar. For example, there is no append method for strings but you can use concatenation to combine strings.
python error : 'str' object has no attribute 'upper()'. I'm discovering possibilities of string formatting with .format( ) method in Python 3 but i raised ...
02.07.2013 · string.join(words[, sep]) has been deprecated with Python 2.4, removed completely with Python 3.0. So up to Python 2.7 one could both used string.join(words[, sep]) and sep.join(words) (although the first was not recommended since Python 2.4), and from Python 3.0 only the latter is available.
13.06.2021 · str' object has no attribute 'decode' in Python3. Skip to content. ... One encodes strings, and one decodes bytes. ... open already decodes to Unicode in Python 3 if you open in text mode. If you want to open it as bytes, so that you can then decode, ...