Structural Dynamics - AIP Publishing LLC › publications › journalsStructural Dynamics focuses on the recent developments in experimental and theoretical methods and techniques that allow a visualization of the electronic and geometric structural changes in real time of chemical, biological, and condensed-matter systems. Past Special Topics From Structural Dynamics Multidimensional Optical Spectroscopy
Structural Dynamics
aca.scitation.orgStructural Dynamics is a gold open access journal publishing high-quality work on real-time structural and electronic changes in biological, chemical and condensed matter systems using cutting-edge short wavelength methods (X-rays, electrons).
Structural Dynamics
https://aca.scitation.orgStructural Dynamics is a gold open access journal publishing high-quality work on real-time structural and electronic changes in biological, chemical and condensed matter systems using cutting-edge short wavelength methods (X-rays, electrons).
Structural Dynamics · Structural Dynamics congratulates Editor-in-Chief, Majed Chergui, who has won the ACS Ahmed Zewail Award in Ultrafast Science and Technology. The award recognizes outstanding and creative contributions to fundamental discoveries or inventions in ultrafast science & technology in areas of physics, chemistry, biology, or related fields.
Structural Dynamics › sdy › infoStructural Dynamics is jointly published by AIP Publishing and ACA. The editor, aided by the associate editors, is responsible for the content and other editorial matters related to the journal. Editors initially screen submitted manuscripts for their suitability. Manuscripts that pass the screening are evaluated by expert referees.