Rules for Change in Pronoun In Indirect Speech 1. If the reported speech has 1st person pronoun (e.g., I, we, me, my, mine, us, our), and the reporting verb has 3rd person pronoun (e.g., he, she, they, it, his, her, their, its), the pronoun of the reported speech is changed according to the pronoun (subject) of the reporting verb . Remember, that pronoun can be used as subject and also ...
Indirect Speech for Modals - i.e.Can, May, Might, Should etc › indirect-speech-for-modalFor converting direct speech into indirect speech, the present modals (e.g., Can, May, Must) are changed into past modals (e.g., Could, Might, Had to).See the ...
Rules for Change in Pronoun In Indirect Speech › time-pronoun-change-in-indirectRule 1. If the reported speech has 1st person pronoun (e.g., I, we, me, my, mine, us, our), and the reporting verb has 3rd person pronoun (e.g., he, she, they, it, his, her, their, its), the pronoun of the reported speech is changed according to the pronoun (subject) of the reporting verb . Remember, that pronoun can be used as subject and also ...
studyandexam.comParts of Speech Meaning and usage - Noun, verb, adjective, preposition and.... read more English Tenses Tenses guide about correct structure of sentence according to verb.. read more Active and Passive Voice An action of a subject is expressed in relation to object in two more
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