This quiz and worksheet addresses what you know about using the subjunctive and indicative moods in Spanish. You'll test your understanding of what these ...
Spanish has three moods: subjunctive, indicative, and imperative. The subjunctive is used to describe our attitude or perception towards something, while indicative talks about facts (in the past, present, or future). Moreover, imperative when you give orders or commands. Here is a fun subjunctive vs. indicative Spanish quiz to practice (keep ...
Oct 27, 2020 · Indicative - ProProfs Quiz. Subjunctive Vs. Indicative. Write the verb in either indicative or subjunctive mood according to the information provided in the sentence. Make sure to add accent marks and use the reflexive forms if necessary. 1. Estoy segura que el Sr. Ruiz ______ (ser) un buen supervisor.
Subjunctive vs. Indicative vs. Infinitive DRAFT. 9th - 12th grade. 1272 times. ... Solo Practice. Practice. Play. Share practice link. Finish Editing. This quiz is ...
Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Select the verb choice (subjunctive, indicative, infinitive) that correctly completes this sentence:Espero que tú ________ feliz. Grammar description and practice quizzes with answers. Verb Conjugator-Need to know the forms of any verbs in Spanish? Type ...
Preview this quiz on Quizizz. il faut que. Subjunctive vs. Indicative (w/ conjunctions) DRAFT. 10th - University. 43 times. World Languages. 68% average accuracy. 6 months ago. kstroud1. 0. ... Share practice link. Finish Editing. This quiz is incomplete! To play this quiz, please finish editing it.
27.10.2020 · Indicative - ProProfs Quiz. Subjunctive Vs. Indicative. Write the verb in either indicative or subjunctive mood according to the information provided in the sentence. Make sure to add accent marks and use the reflexive forms if …