Report fee tariff data | FCA · FCA fees and levies for 2021/22. If you are a firm in the TPR or an SRO firm, you will pay periodic fees and levies based on the fee-blocks and tariff data provided in relation to your permissions as at 1 April 2021. We will collect tariff data in January from firms in the TPR. EEA firms report the amount of business undertaken in or from the UK.
OOCL - Definition of Service Charge › Definition_Of_Service_ChargeManual Booking Fee: Charge assessed when booking submission is not transmitted to the Carrier through electronic data interchange with the Carrier or via Carrier's on line portal. This service fee will be applied once empty equipment of the related manual booking is released and the fee will be charged on a prepaid basis.
What is D.O. when in submission means · Thanks. DO-Development Order. from what i hearsay, DO is required as prove of approval from the relevant authorities to grant you permission to build the proposed development. landscaping input, on-site detention (for rainwater) plans, architectural layout & drawings, perspective, and of course KM or LCP report. some might require EIA input too.