22.02.2012 · I think adding sudo to the make command will follow the programmers rule of least effort. So CPAN can build with out permission errors. I won't have to hack around to get things working. – nelaaro. Feb 23, 2012 at 14:14. 1. Those aren't the only two options.
08.01.2013 · Install compiler and build tools. To compile OpenCV you will need a C++ compiler. Usually it is G++/GCC or Clang/LLVM: Install GCC... sudo apt install -y g++. ... or Clang: sudo apt install -y clang. OpenCV uses CMake build configuration tool: sudo apt install -y cmake.
04.05.2015 · Is there a way to install them (make them run) without using something like sudo apt-get install? software-installation not-root-user. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Nov 2, 2014 at 18:13. Braiam. 33.5k 25 25 gold badges …
07.07.2012 · sudo apt-get install build-essential Chances are you will need things like gcc to actually do the building so you might as well install those as well. The build-essential package will install other tools used along with make. Share. Improve this answer. Follow
$ sudo apt install build-essential After its installation, you should check the make version to verify if it is properly installed or not. You can also verify the make directory that you won’t see if it is not working correctly before.
sudo make installbegs the question "install what? Best Answer The commands that are executed by make install(or any invocation of make) are defined in the Makefile(and files included by the Makefile). For simple programs, you can just look for a line install:and see the commands in the lines below.
Avoid making local installs into system directories. The system directories eg /usr, are reserved for the package management system to use.By definition, if you are doing make install that means you are making a local install, and if you need to do sudo make install that means you don't have permission to wherever you are writing.. So, if you are getting permission errors with …
As mentioned I did the following things: Ran the command. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential. When I ran the commands I found that build-essential was already installed and upgraded. When i run the command ./configure it displays no such file found and when i try to run the same command: sudo make install it shows me the ...
Oct 13, 2013 · Using `sudo -E` with `make install` 0 In a Makefile I have several variables that control where things like binaries are placed during installation. Something like this: PREFIX_DIR ?= /usr/local INSTALL_DIR ?= $ (PREFIX_DIR)/bin libdir = $ (PREFIX_DIR)/lib # etc. etc.
Dec 21, 2014 · Open a terminal, navigate to the base directory of the thing you want to install, then simply type. ./configure && make && sudo make install. Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications. edited Mar 9, 2017 at 14:23.
make install usually needs sudo rights because it will install the application to /usr/local or /usr (sometimes /opt). However, if you change the prefix for the installation path (i.e. ./configure --prefix=~/usr/local) in a way that the installation will be perform inside the user's home directory tree, no sudo rights are needed for make install.
02.05.2017 · Create free Team Collectives on Stack Overflow. Find centralized, trusted content and ... sudo make install Member for 9 years, 7 months. Last seen this week . Twitter. GitHub. davisvigneault@gmail.com. Oxford, United Kingdom ...
'sudo' makes the installation happen as the root user. This means that the installation can place the resulting files outside of the user's home directory. '-j2 ...
In my mind they should be done like this. sudo make install program_name sudo make uninstall program_name. the same as. sudo apt-get install program_name. sudo make install begs the question " install what? ". command-line software-installation make. Share. Improve this question.
May 02, 2017 · sudo make install Member for 9 years, 7 months. Last seen this week . Twitter. GitHub. davisvigneault@gmail.com. Oxford, United Kingdom ...
The ”make” command in Linux is used to compile and manage a collection of applications and files from source code. It allows developers to use the terminal ...
23.11.2007 · Your sudo command opens a new shell without copying your environment variables. If you need icpc in that shell, you will need to repeat the icc enviroment setup in that shell. Choose the appropriate iccvars.sh or csh. 11-23-2007 02:14 PM.