Surge (drink) - Wikipedia 1997, Coca-Cola started production of Surge in the United States, with its original whitepaper name being "MDK," or "Mountain Dew Killer." It was developed to converge with Mello Yello as a means of slowing Mountain Dew growth. Coke's attempts to draw users away with divergent products like OK Soda or with similar ones like Mello Yello had not succeeded. Surge was intended to improve on Mountain Dew by using maltodextrinfor a longer-lasting blast of energy and with b…
Surge being discontinued? : Soda › r › SodaAccording to the Surge facebook page, it's being discontinued (again). 1. level 2. SteakShake69. Op · 1 yr. ago. Apparently, they're only keeping it in fountains. That's super fucking disappointing, because fountain Surge doesn't taste good (just tastes like watered down Sprite). 2021 is not going well so far. 3.