15 of the best metal bands from Sweden - Louder
www.loudersound.com › features › 15-of-the-bestJun 06, 2019 · Meshuggah. It hardly needs restating that Meshuggah have been insanely influential over the last 27 years. The entire djent/tech-metal scene grew from a collective obsession with the Swedes’ polyrhythmic might and disregard for the metal rulebook, but Meshuggah’s impact has spread much further than that: their embracing of new technologies and new ways to sound disgustingly heavy have cast ...
Sweden Rock
https://www.swedenrock.com/festival/artister/sweden-rock-2022Karen Greening alias Lee Aaron vann hårdrockspublikens hjärtan med sex klassiska album från 1982-94, däribland "Metal queen" (1984), "Call of the wild" (1985) och "Bodyrock" (1989). Hon ansåg sig egentligen vara "pensionerad" som hårdrockare då hon SRF-debuterade 2011, men den översvallande respons som då mötte henne fick henne att tänka om.
The very best Swedish metal bands - Rate Your Music
rateyourmusic.com › list › Poohkali[color blue]Most of the bands found here are power metal, progressive metal and melodic death metal bands, since those are the genres that I listen to most (when it comes to Swedish metal bands, that is). I only added bands that I like a lot. Semi-good bands were left out to keep things short and convenient. For your pleasure. ;) The placement of some bands might be a bit inaccurate, because ...