letsencrypt/swag reverse proxy issue : unRAID
www.reddit.com › r › unRAIDletsencrypt/swag reverse proxy issue. I apologize if I sound a little scatter brained through this. Shortly after setting up my unRAID server for the first time this summer, I attempted to set up a reverse proxy using /u/spaceinvaderone 's videos. I was having trouble getting my cert to validate. Thinking my ISP was the cause, I followed the ...
SWAG setup - LinuxServer.io
docs.linuxserver.io › general › swagSWAG container happily runs with bridge networking. However, the default bridge network in docker does not allow containers to connect each other via container names used as dns hostnames. Therefore, it is recommended to first create a user defined bridge network and attach the containers to that network.
SWAG setup - LinuxServer.io
https://docs.linuxserver.io/general/swagSWAG container happily runs with bridge networking. However, the default bridge network in docker does not allow containers to connect each other via container names used as dns hostnames. Therefore, it is recommended to first create a user defined bridge network and attach the containers to that network.