SWAG - Unraid
forums.unraid.net › topic › 51808-support-linuxserveNov 07, 2016 · I attached the log for reference. I am sure nextcloud is working as I have manage to access it locally and set up admin account with Mariadb. For the record, my nextcloud container port is 444. I have used cloudflareddns docker by onzu to track my public IP. I have setup a CNAME nextcloud.protech.my where is point to my public IP.
SWAG setup - LinuxServer.io
docs.linuxserver.io › general › swagSWAG setup The goal of this guide is to give you ideas on what can be accomplished with the LinuxServer SWAG docker image and to get you started. We will explain some of the basic concepts and limitations, and then we'll provide you with common examples.