Map of Sweden | Map of Europe | Europe Map is definitely one of the most common countries in the map of Europe. It has a population of over 9.3 million people. Its capital city is Stockholm. Swedish is the official national language of Sweden with only a few people within the country speaking English as their second language. The national currency in Sweden is the krona.
Map of Sweden - Pinterest › pinNov 22, 2012 - Sweden Map - Explore states, districts, cities, history, geography, culture, education through informative political, physical, location, ...
Sweden Maps & Facts - World Atlas · As observed on the physical map of Sweden, to the north ( above the Arctic Circle) Sweden is rugged with snow-covered mountains and thick forests. Central Sweden is dominated by lower mountains in the west that give way to heavily forested hills and ridges, dozens and dozens of rivers and an estimated 101,000 lakes.