Swiss Technologies, Inc.
www.swisstechinc.netSwiss Technologies, Inc. Who We Are Swiss Tech is a privately owned Company in Knoxville TN. We manufacture precision component parts from rod and wire. Ranging in size from 0.019 OD to 3 inches OD. Manufacturing parts from materials such as Brass, Stainless, Copper, Steel, Aluminum, PEEK, Nylon, add Delron.
Swiss Technology | Leica Geosystems › summary › swiss-technologySwiss Technology by Leica Geosystems represents precision, reliability, quality and sustainability - important aspects of our company worldwide. Swiss Technology - Quality builds Trust Our customers can place their trust in Leica Geosystems as a company, trust our hardware and software solutions, our reliable measurements and our efficient service and support network.
Home | Switzerland Innovation Innovation, the Swiss innovation park, is facilitating collaborations for companies, startups, and universities to find solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Together with its partners, Switzerland Innovation forms an ecosystem accelerating the transformation of research results into marketable products and services.