Symbolic Logic › Logic › DocumentsLogic is concerned with arguments, good and bad. With the docile and the reasonable, arguments are sometimes useful in settling disputes. With the reasonable, this utility attaches only to good arguments. It is the logician's business to serve the reasonable. Therefore, in the realm of arguments, it is the logician who distinguishes good from bad.
Symbolic Logic is concerned with arguments, good and bad. With the docile and the reasonable, arguments are sometimes useful in settling disputes. With the reasonable, this utility attaches only to good arguments. It is the logician's business to serve the reasonable. Therefore, in the realm of arguments, it is the logician who distinguishes good from bad.
An Introduction to Symbolic Logic › Projects › symbolic_logic8The Logical Sum is a propositional function with two arguments pand q, and is the proposition asserting por qdisjunctively, that is, asserting that at least one of the two pand qis true. This is denoted by p_q. Thus p_qis the logical sum with p and qas arguments. It is also called the logical sum of pand q. Accordingly p_q