Symbolic Logic Problems - Juniata College › faculty › wang1. Claire is a good student in Symbolic Logic. 2. Claire is the best student of Class 2000. 3. Claire is taller than the girl friend of Max’s best friend. 4. Max prefers Claire to John’s girl friend. 5. John and Nancy's youngest son is shorter than their oldest daughter. 6. The sum of 2 and 6 is less than the next number of 11. 3.1.2. Quiz Two Problem 1.
Symbolic Logic Problems - Juniata College Symbolic Logic Study Guide: Practice Tests and Quizzes Problem 3. Translate the following English sentences into the formal language of the Tarski's World (50 points). (1) Either a is smaller than b or both a and b are larger than c. (2) a and b are both in front of c; moreover, both are smaller than it. (3) c is neither between a and b, nor in front of either of them.
Symbolic Logic › Logic › Documentssentential logic with 'if' and 'not' 1 symbolic notation 2 meanings of the symbolic notation 3 symbolization: translating complex sentences into symbolic notation 4 rules 5 direct derivations 6 conditional derivations 7 indirect derivations 8 subderivations 9 shortcuts 10 strategy hints for derivations 11 theorems