https://logictools.orgOnline logic solvers. ... Solve a predicate logic reasoning task: help. % a simple example: using two facts and two rules, find a grandson of john ...
Logical Solver – Johannes Singler's Private Website
jsingler.de › apps › logikloeserOct 27, 1999 · Bookmark/share the link for saving/sharing the current state of the puzzle, including item names and entered relations. There is also an offline version available. Just unpack and open the contained logicalsolver.html in a browser. Einstein's famous Zebra puzzle can be preconfigured. The entries for the Jindosh riddle from Dishonored 2 can be ...
Symbolic Logic Problems - Juniata College
jcsites.juniata.edu/faculty/wang/logic/sec03.pdf98 Symbolic Logic Study Guide: Practice Tests and Quizzes Problem 3. Translate the following English sentences into the formal language of the Tarski's World (50 points). (1) Either a is smaller than b or both a and b are larger than c. (2) a and b are both in front of c; moreover, both are smaller than it. (3) c is neither between a and b, nor in front of either of them.
Symbolic Logic Problems - Juniata College
jcsites.juniata.edu › faculty › wang102 Symbolic Logic Study Guide: Practice Tests and Quizzes 3.3.2. Test Two Problem 1. Translate the following English sentences into FOL (using the language of Tarski's World; Domain: all the blocks in a Tarski's world). (40 points) 1. If b is neither to the right nor left of d, then at least one of them is a cube. 2.