Back up the data on my computer using Synology Drive Client › Tutorial › backup_from_computerIts desktop utility, Synology Drive Client, is an instantaneous, bandwidth-saving, real-time backup solution, offering excellent protection with up to 32 historical versions of a single file. Set up Synology Drive Server on Synology NAS and download Synology Drive Client. Go to Package Center, find Synology Drive Server, and then click Install. Three packages, Synology Drive Admin Console, Synology Drive ShareSync, and Synology Drive, will be downloaded altogether.
How can I back up my Synology NAS? - Synology Knowledge Center › How_to_back_up_your_Synology_NASJan 28, 2022 · When backed up to another Synology NAS, data is transferred via the protocol of your Synology NAS. With Hyper Backup, you can easily back up data to a remote NAS device by installing Hyper Backup Vault on the destination, a package that allows you to view the backup tasks you received and task-related logs on the receiving device. Hyper Backup supports both the EXT4 and the Btrfs file system, but the format of the backup data is not readable.