The Blind Men and the Elephant - The Systems Thinker › the-blind-men-and-the-elephantThe parable of the blind men and the elephant illustrates how our individual perceptions (what Peter Senge calls our “mental models”) can lead to miscommunication and conflict. Pegasus Communications president Ginny Wiley has a small sculpture of an elephant on her desk to remind her of how easy it is to be seduced by the “rightness” of our own views; by gathering data about a particular situation from different perspectives, we get a better sense of the whole and can make more ...
Systems Thinking - Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) › less › principlesDividing an elephant in half does not produce two small elephants. There is no blame. Toyota’s internal motto is “Good thinking, good products.” Systems thinking is a set of thinking tools to help… see system dynamics—a development organization is a system of people and policies with subtle feedback loops and unintended consequences