18.06.2018 · The operation failed because an index or statistics with name 'X' already exists on table 'Y' [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 3 years, 6 months ago. Active 3 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 7k times 0 This question already has an answer here: ...
09.10.2018 · 出现[Err] 1050 - Table 'users' already exists异常时, 在create table后面添加if not exists 即可解决。 如下: create table if not exists users(uid int not null auto_increment, uname varchar(30) not null, uage int not null, primary key (uid)); 错误原因:重复创建了表格。
03.12.2018 · 02275. 00000 - "such a referential constraint already exists in the table" *Cause: Self-evident. *Action: Remove the extra constraint. The action is pretty straight forward - I should remove the extra constraint but that leads me to questioning why it's there in the first place, and does this indicate that my method is wrong?
04.06.2021 · MySql新增表格时:create table `result` ( `studentNo` int (4) not null, `subjectNo` int (4) not null, `examDate` datetime not null, `studentResult` int (4) not null)出现[Err] 1050 - Table 'subject' already exists异常时在create table后面添加if not exists即可解决该问
... earlier) MySQL: 4.1.19-community-nt browser: IE / Opera / Firefox whenever i try creating a new table in a database it says the table already exists....
Oct 09, 2018 · 出现[Err] 1050 - Table 'users' already exists异常时, 在create table后面添加if not exists 即可解决。 如下: create table if not exists users(uid int not null auto_increment, uname varchar(30) not null, uage int not null, primary key (uid)); 错误原因:重复创建了表格。
Nov 06, 2017 · Error: The field 'X' already exists in the record 11-06-2017 10:24 AM I'm trying to load a dataset from a salesforce report and for some reason only one of my reports is causing this error:
Sep 28, 2021 · MySQL Create Table [20 exercises with solution] 1. Write a SQL statement to create a simple table countries including columns country_id,country_name and region_id. Click me to see the solution. 2. Write a SQL statement to create a simple table countries including columns country_id,country_name and region_id which is already exists.
I my case the table already have data and there were key in this table that was not present in the reference table. ... ALTER TABLE Department ADD FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeId) REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeId) Share. ... Foreign key constraint fails but referenced row exists. 2. MYSQL create table, constraint, foreign key. 0.
Dec 03, 2018 · Perhaps this is the wrong relationship because when I engineer the diagram, then extract the code from the DDL file editor and run it, I get a few errors like this: 02275. 00000 - "such a referential constraint already exists in the table" *Cause: Self-evident. *Action: Remove the extra constraint. The action is pretty straight forward - I ...
python manage.py migrate <appname> --fake. If it doesn't work then have a look at the migrations folder you will find that there will be some missing changes which u have done in models.py but somehow Django is unable to capture, so find it there and again do some changes (even a small) to that model fields and then use , py manage.py ...
And I get a 1050 "table already exists" But the table does NOT exist. Any ideas? EDIT: more details because everyone seems to not believe me :) DESCRIBE contenttype yields: 1146 - Table 'gunzfact_vbforumdb.contenttype' doesn't exist. and
Jul 13, 2006 · However, after I created a DB in node 2 (, I tried to create a table (of course with ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER), mysql> CREATE TABLE TBL1 (NO INT(11)) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; it shows me that