Combining Two String Fields | Tableau Software › articles › howtoMay 01, 2013 · Tableau Desktop Answer Use the plus sign (+) operator to combine two string fields: Go to Analysis > Create Calculated Field. Name the calculated field and enter the following formula: [String1] + [String2] Click OK. Additional Information. Using a plus sign (+) combines two string fields together ("abc"+ "def" = "abcdef").
Preventing Auto-Concatenation of Dimension Rows or Columns ... › articles › howtoJun 30, 2017 · Tableau Desktop Answer. Option 1. Upgrade to Tableau Desktop 2019.4 or later. Option 2. If you cannot upgrade, follow these steps: Select Analysis > Table Layout > Advanced ; Adjust the number of Rows or Columns (Default is 6) as desired. Important: Prior to Tableau 2019.4 the maximum number of discrete fields on the Rows shelf was 16. As of Tableau version 2019.4, the maximum number of discrete fields on the Rows shelf is 50, while the maximum number of discrete fields on Columns shelf is 16.
How to use concatenate in Tableau? › post › how-to-useAug 05, 2021 · String concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end to end. For example, you can concatenate the string ‘Snow’ and ‘ball’ to get ‘Snowball’. Concatenation is therefore useful when you need to combine multiple fields to create a single field. The syntax String concatenation in Tableau can be done using the operator (+) as follows.