How to do multiple replaces together in calculation field in ... › s › questionyou are going to have to work out the sequence of elseif statements correctly - If statements in tableau (and excel and elsewhere) work from the top down - for each record as soon as a clause returns a True the statement executes the Then clause and moves to the next record - so if a record has and "av 3" and you are checking the for that string in the 3rd elseif clause but the second clause checks "av " the second clause will do the replacement THEN clause and thee record will never get to ...
String Functions - Tableau › current › proREPLACE. REPLACE(string, substring, replacement) Searches string for substring and replaces it with replacement. If substring is not found, the string is not changed. Example: REPLACE("Version8.5", "8.5", "9.0") = "Version9.0" RIGHT. RIGHT(string, number) Returns the right-most number of characters in string. Example: RIGHT("Calculation", 4) = "tion" RTRIM
Find and Replace in Tableau - OneNumber › 1 › 29Feb 01, 2019 · I was working with a client recently and needed to do find and replace in a Tableau calculation. While Tableau does have a native FIND() function, it just finds if a character string exists and tells you what position that string starts at. Not particularly helpful when it comes to replacing.