a person or thing at which an action or remark is directed or the object of a person's feelingsa target for the teacher's sarcasm. a joint of lamb consisting of the breast and neck. surveying a marker on which sights are taken, such as the sliding marker on a levelling staff. (formerly) a small round shield.
28.04.2011 · No. If you must use target as a verb (not good usage, but some people do it) then the preposition is "to." Better to say aimed at, directed to, or intended for.
Define targeted. targeted synonyms, targeted pronunciation, targeted translation, English dictionary definition of targeted. n. 1. a. An object, such as a padded disk with a marked surface, that is shot at to test accuracy in rifle or archery practice. b.
Some examples from the web: In particular investment support under axis 1 can be targeted towards energy, water and other input saving machinery and equipment ...
tr.v. tar·get·ed, tar·get·ing, tar·gets. 1. To aim at or identify as a target: targeted the airport hangar. 2. To identify or treat as the object of action, criticism, or change: targeted the molecule for study; targeted teenagers with the ad campaign. 3.
Targeted at Target. Story. I was a prime target today for a Mary Kay consultant. I walked in carrying my one year old, and while I was wiping down the cart to set him in the seat, I saw a woman kind of lingering at the carts next to me.
Mar 11, 2020 · Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that targets proteins that control how cancer cells grow, divide, and spread. It is the foundation of precision medicine. As researchers learn more about the DNA changes and proteins that drive cancer, they are better able to design treatments that target these proteins.
Dec 06, 2021 · Targeted cancer therapies are drugs or other substances that block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules ("molecular targets") that are involved in the growth, progression, and spread of cancer. Targeted cancer therapies are sometimes called "molecularly targeted drugs," "molecularly targeted therapies," "precision medicines," or similar names.
Targeted at target. I was just minding my own business looking at underwear at target today and this woman got entirely too close to me while I was shopping for chonies. Instantly after her first words I began to realize I was in for it. Don’t try to make conversation with a …
1a. to aim a bomb or weapon at someone or something. Nuclear missiles will no longer be targeted on these cities. Synonyms and related words. -. To attack with weapons or bombs. attack. bayonet. be bombed out (of something)
In 26% of cases target at is used ... This was targeted at not-Conservatives. This talk is targeted at those above 50. Recommend Another of the Zardari taxes ...
target something at something or someone. (phrasal verb) in the sense of aim at. Definition. to aim (a missile). marketing activities targeted at export ...
English Language Learners Definition of target · something that you are trying to do or achieve · a place, thing, or person at which an attack is aimed · the ...
1 a : a mark to shoot at. b : a target marked by shots fired at it. c : something or someone fired at or marked for attack. d : a goal to be achieved. 2 a : an object of ridicule or criticism. b : something or someone to be affected by an action or development.
Is it because use of the word target as a verb means the same as shoot toward? If that is the case, then we place a target "on" where we wish to shoot or focus ...