Tautulli - Unraid
forums.unraid.net › topic › 40750-support-linuxserveAug 25, 2015 · To find the proper support thread, go to the Apps tab and then the Installed Apps section (depending upon the problem, you may need to go to the Previous Apps section), find the application application and click on the support link. At the very least, you should post the docker "run" c.
Tautulli - Unraid
forums.unraid.net › topic › 40750-support-linuxserveAug 25, 2015 · I'm running 2 Tautulli official dockers on my unraid server. (for 2 plex servers) first is on 8181, second is on 8182. I'm getting tired of something automatically misconfiguring it periodically (I guess after an update). First of all, I can't configure the second instance to use 8181 and I'm not sure how did I change it to 8182 anyway.
Tautulli - Unraid
forums.unraid.net › topic › 40750-support-linuxserveAug 25, 2015 · Ps. I wasn't aware that Plexpy is replaced by Tautulli, so took the oppertunity to remove Plexpy and install Tautulli. A new Tautulli installation brings up an installation wizard, which makes it very easy to configure it to the previous Plexpy set up. Edited March 11, 2018 by bonienl
Tautulli - Unraid
forums.unraid.net › topic › 40750-support-linuxserveAug 25, 2015 · Hoping for some help with the docker image in Unraid - it was running fine for the longest time, but I went to check something recently and couldn't access the tautulli page. Checking the Unraid docker logs, I see the following: I haven't changed anything recently, and a reinstall didn't help. Thanks in advance! Edited December 8, 2019 by tiphae