Taxi Driver - Wikipedia to director Martin Scorsese, it was Brian De Palma who introduced him to Paul Schrader and that Taxi Driver arose from his feeling that movies are like dreams or drug-induced reveries; he attempted to incubate within the viewer the feeling of being in a limbo state between sleeping and waking. The director also cites Alfred Hitchcock's The Wrong Man (1956) and Jack Hazan's A Bigger Splash(1973) as inspirations for his camerawork in the movie. In writing the script, Schra…
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JobsV [.NET] - › scripts › jobsvAug 23, 2015 · JobsV (Beta 0.1.4) - JobsV extends the fun and endless possibilities in GTA V. This script gives a life-like feeling to the game; players have the ability to apply to multiple jobs, attend college, earn a degree, and make a salary while working your way up the charts! This mod is in beta so expect a couple of issues/bugs PLEASE READ INSTALLATION BELOW If you have a unofficial version of the ...