Chebyshev's theorem - Wikipedia's_theoremChebyshev's theorem is any of several theorems proven by Russian mathematician Pafnuty Chebyshev.. Bertrand's postulate, that for every n there is a prime between n and 2n.; Chebyshev's inequality, on range of standard deviations around the mean, in statistics; Chebyshev's sum inequality, about sums and products of decreasing sequences; Chebyshev's equioscillation …
Definition of Tchebysheff's Theorem | › tchebysheffs-theorem-31Tchebysheff’s theorem is also known as Chebyshev’s theorem. This theorem shows the way to use the standard deviation and the mean to discover the percentage of the total observations which is going to fall in the provided interval about the mean. For any provided number k more than 1, at least of the data values lie k standard deviations of the mean.