How to Teach IELTS: A Complete Guide for Teachers › how-to-teach-ieltsJun 05, 2017 · How to teach IELTS speaking? Students will often need a good deal of practice with the speaking portion of the test because it’s difficult to form the words without prompting, which is what a good part of the test asks students to do. Here are some key things you can do to help students excel: 1. Have them practice talking about themselves
Teaching Tips: IELTS Speaking › teachers › teaching-tips-ielts-speaking- Speaking exam format training 1) In the middle/end of the course or both give Ss a full reading test. While they are on it, you do the speaking with one student in another room. Arrange the desk as in the exam and sit down facing the student. Have a stopwatch; paper/pencils ready for the student to take notes. Speaking can last for about 10 minutes.