Teaching Past Tense Verbs: Tips and Digital Materials ...
speechymusings.com › 2021/08/16 › teaching-pastAug 16, 2021 · Regular Past Tense Verbs: Brushed, picked, baked, washed, painted, kicked, stacked, climbed, colored, raised, cleaned, played, tied, collected, tipped, covered, popped, checked, dropped, opened, jumped Irregular Past Tense Verbs: Swam, cut, got, fell, caught, made, fell (asleep), grew, hurt, won, blew, threw, built, found, went (up, down), broke
Lesson: Past Tense Activities - Regular Verbs
www.eslkidstuff.com › lesson-plans › pdf3. Teach vocab for verbs and the regular past tense form Get everyone to sit down. On the board write "Yesterday, I …". Look like you are thinking and say to yourself "Hmm. What did I do yesterday?". Then draw a few things which you (may or may not) did yesterday, e.g. watched TV, kicked a ball, played a video game, etc. Make sure they are regular