Wiki Team/Roadmap - Sugar Labs › go › Wiki_TeamIf and when has a lot of information that can be displayed, queried, and summarized in multiple places, the olpc:Semantic MediaWiki extension is the way to represent it. As of March 2009 it's unclear if there is a compelling use case for it. Subpages. Wiki Team/Roadmap/Use Cases; Wiki Team/Roadmap/Wiki skin redesign
Use the Project or Roadmap app in Teams › en-gb › officeAdd a Project or Roadmap tab to a Teams channel When you add a tab using the Project or Roadmap app, you can either add an existing project or roadmap, or create a new one. In your Teams channel, select Add a tab+. In the Add a tabdialog box, choose Project or Roadmap (you may have to use Search to locate them).