telegraf.js - v4.5.2
https://telegraf.js.orgTelegraf creates one for each incoming update and passes it to your middleware. It contains the update, botInfo, and telegram for making arbitrary Bot API requests, as well as shorthand methods and getters. This is probably the class you'll be using the most.
Telegraf 1.20 Documentation - InfluxData › telegraf › v1Telegraf 1.20 documentation Telegraf is a plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics, and is the first piece of the TICK stack . Telegraf has plugins to source a variety of metrics directly from the system it’s running on, pull metrics from third-party APIs, or even listen for metrics via a statsd and Kafka consumer services.
Telegraf: Modern Telegram Bot Framework for Node.js › v3Telegraf: Modern Telegram Bot Framework for Node.js You're reading legacy 3.x docs, see 4.0.0 release notes or 4.x docs. Introduction Bots are special Telegram accounts designed to handle messages automatically. Users can interact with bots by sending them command messages in private or group chats.
InfluxData Documentation
https://docs.influxdata.comInfluxData provides the industry leading time series platform. Store, process, and alert on time series data with InfluxDB and InfluxDB Cloud. Use Telegraf to collect metrics from a growing number of technologies. Visualize data with Chronograf. Build robust monitoring and alerting pipelines with Kapacitor.
Telegraf Module — Ceph Documentation Module. The Telegraf module collects and sends statistics series to a Telegraf agent. The Telegraf agent can buffer, aggregate, parse and process the data before sending it to an output which can be InfluxDB, ElasticSearch and many more. Currently the only way to send statistics to Telegraf from this module is to use the socket listener.
Telegraf Module — Ceph Documentation › en › latestThe Telegraf module collects and sends statistics series to a Telegraf agent. The Telegraf agent can buffer, aggregate, parse and process the data before sending it to an output which can be InfluxDB, ElasticSearch and many more. Currently the only way to send statistics to Telegraf from this module is to use the socket listener.
telegraf.js - v4.5.2
telegraf.js.orgTelegraf is written in TypeScript and therefore ships with declaration files for the entire library. Moreover, it includes types for the complete Telegram API via the typegram package. While most types of Telegraf's API surface are self-explanatory, there's some notable things to keep in mind. Extending Context
InfluxData Documentation
docs.influxdata.comThe leading modern time series platform, built for metrics and events. Learn more Telegraf v1.20 Collect metrics from stacks, sensors and systems. View documentation InfluxDB v1.8 Write and query time series data. View documentation Chronograf v1.9 Visualize and manage time series data. View documentation Kapacitor v1.6