Telenor ID - Sikker innlogging for alle dine tjenester Skriv inn ditt mobilnummer Mobilnummeret trenger ikke å ha abonnement fra Telenor. Huk av for Forbli innlogget dersom du ønsker å logge inn automatisk neste gang du tar i bruk tjenesten. 2. Verifiser mobilnummer Du vil motta en SMS til mobilnummeret du skrev inn. Denne SMS'en sendes fra Telenor ID og inneholder en bekreftelseskode på 6 siffer.
ID - Telenor Digital › idWith Telenor ID, mobile subscribers can enjoy additional security and convenience by having their phone numbers automatically recognised and verified by the mobile network of their operator. Our ID solution serve all Business Units within the Telenor Group with a secure gateway to their core business. Telenor ID
SMS Access - Telenor Access offers connection to Telenor Norway's SMSC to send and receive text messages. Additional services include MMS, eight digit numbers that can be used across operators and countries, number series and 0xxxx numbers. SMS Access whitepaper SMS Access application requirements Order form Our partners