Norwegian Verb List - Linda Unwin Norwegian language. I aim to make it freely available to anyone that wishes to make use of it and have done so in good faith. If you find any mistakes here, or have any suggestions please let me know and I will endeavour to correct them as and when I have the time!
Norwegian on the Web - HF - NTNU › now › hardcopiesTenses and forms Below all forms and tenses of verbs are demonstrated using the regular verb “øke” - “increase” (PP = present participle, INF = infinitive) Form Norwegian Example English Imperative øk stem increase! Infinitive øke stem + “-e” increase Present øker stem + “-er” increase Preterite økte stem + ending increased
Preterite/Past tense in Norwegian - TypeCraft › tc2wiki › PreteriteThe past tense (preteritum) refers to something that happened at a specific time in the past, or happened repeatedly in the past. Norwegian verbs can be classified as either WEAK (endings are added to the root of the verb to form the past tense) or STRONG (involving a vowel change in the root -- often no ending at all.) Basic Grammar Rules
Learn About Verbs in Norwegian › wp-content › uploadsverb is the tense of the verb. Norwegian verbs can use one of four tenses: presens, preteritum, futurum and perfektum. Infinitiv But before we can start learning about verbs with tenses let us look at the infinitiv form of the verb. The infinitiv form is the dictionary form of the verb. So whenever