Tensorflow Guide: Batch Normalization - Rui Shu
ruishu.io › 2016/12/27 › batchnormDec 27, 2016 · One would think that using batch normalization in TensorFlow will be a cinch. But alas, confusion still crops up from time to time, and the devil really lies in the details. Batch Normalization The Easy Way. Perhaps the easiest way to use batch normalization would be to simply use the tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm layer. So let’s give that a go!
Tensorflow Guide: Batch Normalization - Rui Shu
ruishu.io/2016/12/27/batchnorm27.12.2016 · One would think that using batch normalization in TensorFlow will be a cinch. But alas, confusion still crops up from time to time, and the devil really lies in the details. Batch Normalization The Easy Way Perhaps the easiest way to use batch normalization would be to simply use the tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm layer. So let’s give that a go!