Introduction to Tensors | TensorFlow Core · print(x.shape) print(reshaped.shape) (3, 1) (1, 3) The data maintains its layout in memory and a new tensor is created, with the requested shape, pointing to the same data. TensorFlow uses C-style "row-major" memory ordering, where incrementing the rightmost index corresponds to a single step in memory. print(rank_3_tensor)
TensorFlow Get Shape - Python Guides · In Python, tfds is basically used with machine learning and the TensorFlow framework. To install this package in your machine, use the pip install tfds-nightly command. Example: import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_datasets as tfds tensor=tfds.list_builders () print (tensor) result=tf.shape (tensor) result
Introduction to Tensors | TensorFlow Core › guide › tensorJan 19, 2022 · The simplest and most common case is when you attempt to multiply or add a tensor to a scalar. In that case, the scalar is broadcast to be the same shape as the other argument. x = tf.constant( [1, 2, 3]) y = tf.constant(2) z = tf.constant( [2, 2, 2]) # All of these are the same computation.