tf.Session - TensorFlow Python - W3cubDocs › tensorflow~python › tfCreates a new TensorFlow session. If no graph argument is specified when constructing the session, the default graph will be launched in the session. If you are using more than one graph (created with tf.Graph() in the same process, you will have to use different sessions for each graph, but each graph can be used in multiple sessions.
Tensorflow In Python - Python Guides · What is Tensorflow in Python. Tensorflow is a library that is used in machine learning and it is an open-source library for numerical computation.; It is used for developing machine learning applications and this library was first created by the Google brain team and it is the most common and successfully used library that provides various tools for machine …
Tensorflow In Python - Python Guides › tensorflowJan 11, 2022 · import tensorflow as tf d= tf.__version__ print (d) This is the easiest way to check whether the TensorFlow library is available in our system. Screenshot check version of Tensorflow Also, check: Module ‘TensorFlow’ has no attribute ‘session’ Example of how to use Tensorflow in Python