Xserver from Archtermux : termux
www.reddit.com › r › termuxhi guys. I'm trying some stuff out and wanted to try and get xserver running on arch termux so I can run I3 on a remote device. (since I can't install wsl on work machine but I can install Xserver XSDL) I have i3 install and Xorg, I have i3 configured to launch in .xserverrc and .xinit just to be safe as follows #!/bin/sh exec i3
Graphical Environment - Termux Wiki
https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Graphical_EnvironmentSetting up XServer. Xserver setup is nearly same as for VNC. The only differences are that you don't have to configure authentication and variable "DISPLAY" should be set like export DISPLAY=localhost:0 Note that you don't need to set variable "PULSE_SERVER" like application suggests because Termux uses its own Pulseaudio package. Window Managers