Academy of Management
aom.orgJames Calvin, Member since 1998. The greatest value of being an Academy member is that you have a chance to do research, find research partnerships, engage thinkers, leaders in the field, and contribute to the field of management as theory, science, and practice.”. Join AOM today.
Journals and Publications - Academy of Management of Management publishes six journals to advance the understanding of theory, empirical results, implications for public policy, and education in the field of management. Each of AOM’s six journals and two event proceedings publications broadly contributes to this objective while emphasizing particular scholarly aspects.
Academy of Management Journal · Academy of Management Journal. The mission of Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) is to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to management practice. All empirical methods including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory, meta-analytic, and mixed methods are welcome.
Academy of Management Journal
amj.aom.orgJournal Metrics: Impact Factor, 10.194 | 5-Year IF, 15.873 | #13 of 226 journals in the category of “Management” | #10 of 153 journals in the category of “Business” *Web of Science Journal Citation Report, 30 June 2021
The Academy of Management Journal on JSTOR The Academy of Management Journal presents cutting edge research that provides readers with a forecast for new management thoughts and techniques. All articles published in the journal must make a strong empirical and/or theoretical contribution. All empirical methods including (but not limited to) qualitative, quantitative, or combination methods are represented.
Academy of Management Discoveries - AOM CMS of Management Discoveries The AMD mission is to publish phenomenon-driven empirical research that theories of management and organizations neither adequately predict nor explain. Data on these poorly understood phenomena can come from any source, including ethnographic observations, lab and field experiments, field surveys, meta-analyses, construct …