The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (internationally titled The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro) is a 2014 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man. The film was directed by Marc Webb and produced by Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach. It is the fifth theatrical Spider-Man film produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel ...
Feb 04, 2014 · THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Director Marc Webb Reveals Yet Another Villain By Dave Trumbore Published Feb 03, 2014 Director Marc Webb recently revealed the role for B.J. Novak in the upcoming...
Who was the main villain in The Amazing Spider-Man 2? Maxwell “Max” Dillon, also known as Electro, is the main antagonist of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. He is portrayed by Jamie Foxx. Who were the villains in Amazing Spiderman 2?
After short talks, actor Paul Giamatti will be playing the villain Rhino in the sequel; the same character that was featured in the video game. Famous Spider- ...
Type of Villain. Green Goblin’s most famous quote to Spider-Man right before he kidnaps Gwen Stacy. Harold “Harry” Osborn is the final antagonist of Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man duology, being one of the two main antagonists (alongside Electro) of the 2014 superhero film The Amazing Spider-Man 2.. Who is the villain in Amazing Spider-Man?
Most of us here at the office are pretty psyched about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to be released May 2nd. Although it appears we may yet again become acquainted with The Green Goblin, there are two other major villains being introduced on the …
Paul Giamatti as Aleksei Sytsevich / Rhino: A Russian hired killer for the Russian Mafia, who allies with Harry and receives a massive, well-armored, robotic, ...
Two points to keep in mind though: First, The Green Goblin was the main arch villain for Spider-Man until the death of Gwen Stacy. Two, The Green Goblin is the reason why Gwen Stacy died (issue #121) which becomes a major character development for Spider-Man and Peter Parker in the original comic book series, The Amazing Spider-Man (volume 1).