Concept of Derivatives - products provide certain important economic benefits such as risk management or redistribution of risk away from risk-averse investors towards those more willing and able to bear risk. Derivatives also help price discovery, i.e. the process of determining the price level for any asset based on supply and demand.
The Economics of Derivatives › 4 › 9781107091504_Intro_001‘Derivatives are beneficial in small quantities and toxic in large volume. This book, rooted in deep knowledge of both markets and policy-making, shows how to handle the dilemmas this creates.’ John Kay, London School of Economics ‘I find derivatives fiendishly hard to understand. This excellent book goes a long way to demystifying them.
Introduction (Chapter 1) - The Economics of Derivatives › core › booksMay 05, 2015 · Derivatives in modern economics are like nuclear energy in modern science; a source of immense power, which can also be the cause of enormous destruction. Derivatives (albeit not by that name) have been in existence for a long time, with forward trading in rice in Japan in the seventeenth century, being the first documented example, but their ...