The more, the more | Grammar Quizzes more the noise, the worse the experience. Add nouns to make the topic / subject matter clear. The more it rains, the worse the flooding is. (complete the clause) The more the rain, the worse the flood/flooding. (or add the) This expression requires the article the before the adjective and the noun. I will get a better job the more I know.
The more, the more | Grammar Quizzes › themoreThe more it rains, the worse the flooding is. (complete the clause) The more the rain, the worse the flood/flooding. (or add the) This expression requires the article the before the adjective and the noun. I will get a better job the more I know. (basic word order) The more I know, the better the job I will get. (fronted clause)
The more ... the fewer ...-English › exercises › exerciseex : The more chocolate he eats, the fewer sweets he will need. 'Chocolate' is an uncountable noun (that you can't count) => the more + uncountable.(more + countable/uncountable = big quantity) On the contrary, 'sweet', is a countable noun. (Sweets can be counted.) therefore, this word MUST BE PRECEDED by FEW => the fewer sweets => the fewer ...
The more...the more-English › exercises › exerciseEnglish exercise "The more...the more" created by anonyme with The test builder. Click here to see the current stats of this English test. Please log in to save your progress. 1. The less it is rain The more it rains The more raining it is I don't know. , the more serious the problems become. 2.