The New Yorker - Wikipedia New Yorker is an American weekly magazine featuring journalism, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, and poetry. Founded as a weekly in 1925, the magazine is published 47 times annually, with five of these issues covering two-week spans. Although its reviews and events listings often focus on the cultural life of New York City, The New Yorker has a wide audienc…
The New Yorker
https://www.newyorker.com28.11.2020 · The New Yorker Interview Stephen Sondheim’s Lasting Wisdom The legendary composer discussed the ideas he’d abandoned, the minutiae of his technique, and the lesson that any artist must learn.
The New Yorker – Store norske leksikon New Yorker er et amerikansk ukeblad som ble grunnlagt i New York City i 1925. Det er et av USAs mest kjente og toneangivende magasiner, med særlig tyngdepunkt innen politikk, litteratur og kulturliv. The New Yorker er eid av mediehuset Condé Nas, utgis i digital og trykket utgave, og hadde i 2014 et opplag på 1 044 000. Magasinet ble grunnlagt av journalisten Harold Ross, …
The New Yorker, A Wyndham Hotel | Midtown Manhattan Hotel
www.newyorkerhotel.comwelcome to the New yorker Hotel. The New Yorker Hotel has a history as intriguing as her intricate design. From her iconic Art Deco style to her ingenious American construction, the “Grand Old Lady” has been striking component of the New York skyline, towering above all others and illuminating it since her 1930 inception.
The New Yorker: Submissions Guidelines › mags › newyorkerThe New Yorker does not accept submissions by mail or by fax, and we cannot be responsible for the loss or return of unsolicited pieces. We do not consider simultaneous submissions or material that has been previously published. We try to respond to all submissions, but, due to volume, we may take up to eight weeks to respond.