The Plural Association
thepluralassociation.comThe Plural Association. The Plural Association (TPA) is the first grassroots, peer-led, registered nonprofit empowering the 3.7% of people who live with Dissociative Identity Disorder, those with OSDD, and also supporting & facilitating community for all the many other forms of Multiplicity under the Plural umbrella.
The Plural Association
https://thepluralassociation.comThe Plural Association nonprofit mostly (over 75%) supports & empowers people who live with Dissociative Identity Disorder, a debilitating disorder that consists out of having multiple parts of the personality, out of the ordinary forgetting (amnesia) and clinical distress. We empower Plurals by providing community driven safe (r) spaces.
The Plural Association Stichting
https://thepluralassociation.nlThe Plural Association Stichting. The Plural Association Stichting is een in Nederland geregistreerde stichting welke wereldwijd mensen met een Dissociatieve IdentiteitsStoornis (DIS) en alle andere vormen van Meervoudigheid empowert en waar mogelijk helpt. Op dagelijkse basis ondersteunt de stichting in 50 verschillende landen, meer dan 3000 ...
The Plural Association Community
www.thepluralassociation.communityWe are The Plural Association, the first grassroots & peer-led, registered nonprofit for people with Dissociative Identity Disorder, OSDD and all other forms of Multiplicity under the Plural umbrella. No matter the label they use to describe their individual & unique experience with Manyness.