Kids science: Water - Ducksters › science › waterDepending on the temperature and energy of the molecules in water, water can exist in three states: Ice - Ice is the solid form of water. When water gets below 0 degrees C (32 deg F) it will freeze and become ice. Liquid - This is the wet stuff we drink and swim around in. Vapor - When water evaporates or gets above 100 degrees C and starts ...
Surface Water | National Geographic Society › surface-waterAug 07, 2019 · Surface water and groundwater are reservoirs that can feed into each other. While surface water can seep underground to become groundwater, groundwater can resurface on land to replenish surface water. Springs are formed in these locations. There are three types of surface water: perennial, ephemeral, and man-made. Perennial, or permanent ...
Other Uses and Types of Water | Healthy Water | CDC › healthywater › otherThe Many Uses of Water. Water can be used for direct and indirect purposes. Direct purposes include bathing, drinking, and cooking, while examples of indirect purposes are the use of water in processing wood to make paper and in producing steel for automobiles. The bulk of the world’s water use is for agriculture, industry, and electricity.