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tidb cli

TiDB Control User Guide | PingCAP Docs
https://docs.pingcap.com › stable
TiDB Control is a command-line tool of TiDB, usually used to obtain the status information of TiDB for debugging. This document introduces the ...
Troubleshooting Tip: IOC detection - Fortinet Community
2) To check the license and TIDB version used by FortiAnalyzer in the CLI: # diagnose test application sqllogd 204 stats . License of post breach detection installed. License expiration : 2025-Jan-04. TIDB version : 00000.01017-1902242107. TIDB load time : 2019-02-24 14:11:2
CLI - pd-ctl - 《TiDB v4.0 用户文档》 - 书栈网 · BookStack
通过调整 leader-schedule-limit 可以控制同时进行 leader 调度的任务个数。. 这个值主要影响 leader balance 的速度,值越大调度得越快,设置为 0 则关闭调度。. Leader 调度的开销较小,需要的时候可以适当调大。. 最多同时进行 4 个 leader 调度:. 复制代码. >> config set ...
CLI - tidb-ctl - 《TiDB v5.0 用户文档》 - 书栈网 · BookStack
20.04.2021 · TiDB Control 使用说明获取 TiDB Control通过 TiUP 安装从源代码编译安装使用介绍获取帮助全局参数schema 命令in 子命令tid 子命令base64decode 命令decoder 命令etcd 命令log 命令keyrange 命令 TiDB 是 PingCAP 公司自主设计、研发的开源分布式关系型数据库,是一款同时支持在线事务处理与在线分析处理 (Hybrid
ti-chi-bot/ticdc - Github Plus
https://githubplus.com › ti-chi-bot
TiCDC is TiDB's change data capture framework. ... Start a replication changefeed by cdc cli changefeed create --pd --start-ts ...
TiCDC Overview - TiDB Introduction | PingCAP Docs
When using the cdc cli tool of TiCDC v5.0.0-rc to operate a v4.0.x TiCDC cluster, you might encounter the following abnormal situations: If the TiCDC cluster is v4.0.8 or an earlier version, using the v5.0.0-rc cdc cli tool to create a replication …
pingcap/tidb-ctl: TiDB Controller - GitHub
https://github.com › pingcap › tidb...
Synopsis. TiDB Controller (tidb-ctl) is a command line tool for TiDB Server (tidb-server). Usage.
CLI Reference | FortiAnalyzer 7.0.2 | Fortinet ...
CLI Reference Introduction FortiAnalyzer documentation What’s New in FortiAnalyzer 7.0 FortiAnalyzer 7.0.2 ... use built-in TIDB package and disable updating it. 91: enable updating TIDB package. 92: disable updating TIDB package. 99: restart daemon; fazmaild <integer ...
TIDB - synchronize data to downstream Kafka using TICDC
programming.vip › docs › tidb-synchronize-data-to
Dec 05, 2021 · 1, TICDC In the previous article, we introduced how to use TICDC to synchronize data to Mysql. From the previous task, we can see that TICDC is much simpler in configuration than tidb binlog, and we also know that the performance of TICDC is also better than tidb binlog.
Troubleshooting Tip: IOC detection - Fortinet Community
community.fortinet.com › t5 › FortiAnalyzer
2) To check the license and TIDB version used by FortiAnalyzer in the CLI: # diagnose test application sqllogd 204 stats . License of post breach detection installed. License expiration : 2025-Jan-04. TIDB version : 00000.01017-1902242107. TIDB load time : 2019-02-24 14:11:2
TiDB - Datadog Docs
https://docs.datadoghq.com › tidb
Connect TiDB cluster to Datadog in order to: Collect key TiDB metrics of your cluster. Collect logs of your cluster, such as TiDB/TiKV/TiFlash logs and slow ...
TiDB on AWS EKS 〜DMM動画のPoCレポート〜 - DMM inside
inside.dmm.com › entry › 2021/12/12
Dec 12, 2021 · 既存の mysql cliを使って直接 TiDB に繋いて確認することがもきます (port-forwardが必要)。 kubectl port-forward -n ${Namespace} svc/${ClusterName}-tidb 4000 > /tmp/pf4000.out & mysql -h -P 4000 -u root mysql> select tidb_version()\G. Grafana
Proposal: Use "gh pr checkout" to replace checkout-pr-branch.sh
https://internals.tidb.io › topic
... gh pr checkout here, maybe we can remove the checkout-pr-branch.sh in tidb? ... gh is developed by github at https://github.com/cli/cli, ...
刘寅:TiDB 工具链和生态 - 知乎
本文为今年年初 PingCAP 商业产品团队负责人刘寅在 TiDB DevCon2018 上分享的 《 TiDB 工具链和生态》实录内容,文内详细介绍了 TiDB 的周边工具以及生态系统。Enjoy~ 大家下午好,我叫刘寅。在 PingCAP 主要负责…
TiDB on AWS EKS 〜DMM動画のPoCレポート〜 - DMM inside
12.12.2021 · TiDB on AWS EKS 〜DMM動画のPoCレポート〜 - DMM inside. はじめに. DMMグループ Advent Calendar 2021 12日目の記事になります。. DMM.com動画配信事業部の 杜志剛 、後藤良彦、高木潤が担当します。. DMM動画ではAPI層のマイクロサービス化やFront層のWebコンポーネント化等様々 ...
Quick Start Guide for the TiDB Database Platform | PingCAP Docs
docs.pingcap.com › tidb › stable
If you want to specify the TiDB version and the number of the instances of each component, run a command like this: tiup playground v5.3.0 --db. 2. --pd. 3. --kv. 3. The command downloads a version cluster to the local machine and starts it, such as v5.3.0. To view the latest version, run tiup list tidb.
TiDB / TiSpark 在易果集团实时数仓中的创新实践 - 知乎
实时数仓 TiDB / TiSpark. 在迁移完成之后,其中一条复杂的 SQL,一共 Join 了 12 张表(最大表数量亿级,部分表百万级),在平时小批量的情况下,执行时间会在 5 分钟左右,我们也拿了双11全量的数据进行了测试,执行时间在 9 分钟以上,而采用了 TiSpark 的方式去 ...
Configuring Your TiDB Server for Mutual TLS - Smallstep
https://smallstep.com › doc › tidb
... CLI, bootstrap your CA with step ca bootstrap and run the following command (sub the server name for the actual name / DNS name of your TiDB server).
TiDB 4.0 GA发布说明| PingCAP文档
https://m.rzhenli.com › release-4
修复由数据竞争引起的系统恐慌# 565# 566; 修复由不正确的处理逻辑导致的资源泄漏或系统阻塞# 574# 586; 修复命令行由于CLI无法连接PD而卡住的问题# ...
TiCDC 简介 - TiDB Introduction | PingCAP Docs
docs.pingcap.com › zh › tidb
重新创建 changefeed,例如:tiup cdc:v4.0.9 cli changefeed create --sink-uri=xxxx --pd=xxx。 注意: 上述问题仅在 cdc cli 的版本是 v5.0.0-rc 时存在。未来其他 v5.0.x 版本的 cdc cli 可以兼容 v4.0.x 版本的集群。 sort-dir 及 data-dir 配置项的兼容性说明
Compare TiDB with YugabyteDB
https://docs.yugabyte.com › latest
TiDB. Relevant blog posts. PingCap's TiDB, a MySQL-compatible distributed database built on TiKV, takes design inspiration from Google Spanner and Apache ...
TiKV | Go Client
tikv.org › docs › 4
To use the Raw Key-Value API in applications developed in the Go language, take the following steps: Install the necessary packages. Import the dependency packages. Create a Raw Key-Value client. Description of two parameters in the above command: Call the Raw Key-Value client methods to access the data on TiKV.
TIDB - synchronize data to downstream Kafka using TICDC
05.12.2021 · 1, TICDC In the previous article, we introduced how to use TICDC to synchronize data to Mysql. From the previous task, we can see that TICDC is much simpler in configuration than tidb binlog, and we also know that the performance of TICDC is also better than tidb binlog. Today, we learn how to UTF-8...