API Docs
developers.themoviedb.org › 3Hosted API documentation for every OAS (Swagger) and RAML spec out there. Powered by Stoplight.io. Document, mock, test, and more, with the StopLight API Designer.
API Overview — The Movie Database (TMDB)
www.themoviedb.org › documentation › apiYou shall place the following notice prominently on your application: "This product uses the TMDB API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDB." Any use of the TMDB logo in your application shall be less prominent than the logo or mark that primarily describes the application and your use of the TMDB logo shall not imply any endorsement by TMDB.
seriesgui.deFind shows and movies to watch. SeriesGuide highlights shows with new episodes and is backed by the huge TV show catalog of TMDb.. It can display movies currently in cinemas or released digitally and offers access to the huge movie catalog of TMDb.
API FAQ — The Movie Database (TMDB)
https://www.themoviedb.org/faq/apiWhat is TMDB's API? The API service is for those of you interested in using our movie, TV show or actor images and/or data in your application. Our API is a system we provide for you and your team to programmatically fetch and use our data and/or images. Why would I need an API?