The Energy Journal - IAEE the penetration of variable renewable energy in electricity markets grows, there is increasing need for capacity markets to account for the contribution of renew-ables to system adequacy. An important issue is the inconsistent industry definition of capacity credits for resources whose availability may be limited, such as renewable generation.
Journal Rankings on Energy (miscellaneous) › journalrankEnergy Economics: journal: 2.500 Q1: 152: 378: 1081: 21992: 8195: 1072: 7.10: 58.18: 6: ChemSusChem: journal: 2.412 Q1: 157: 666: 1641: 46639: 13326: 1583: 8.08: 70.03: 7: Energy Policy: journal: 2.093 Q1: 217: 679: 2165: 40582: 14111: 2135: 6.29: 59.77: 8: Energy: journal: 1.961 Q1: 193: 2315: 6498: 109602: 49084: 6476: 7.55: 47.34: 9: Journal of Energy Chemistry: journal: 1.955 Q1: 62: 488: 614: 27027: 5171: 612: 9.32: 55.38: 10: Energy Strategy Reviews: journal