Journal Rankings on Energy (miscellaneous) › journalrankEnergy Economics: journal: 2.500 Q1: 152: 378: 1081: 21992: 8195: 1072: 7.10: 58.18: 6: ChemSusChem: journal: 2.412 Q1: 157: 666: 1641: 46639: 13326: 1583: 8.08: 70.03: 7: Energy Policy: journal: 2.093 Q1: 217: 679: 2165: 40582: 14111: 2135: 6.29: 59.77: 8: Energy: journal: 1.961 Q1: 193: 2315: 6498: 109602: 49084: 6476: 7.55: 47.34: 9: Journal of Energy Chemistry: journal: 1.955 Q1: 62: 488: 614: 27027: 5171: 612: 9.32: 55.38: 10: Energy Strategy Reviews: journal
The Energy Journal - IAEE the penetration of variable renewable energy in electricity markets grows, there is increasing need for capacity markets to account for the contribution of renew-ables to system adequacy. An important issue is the inconsistent industry definition of capacity credits for resources whose availability may be limited, such as renewable generation.