torch.div torch.div(input, other, *, rounding_mode=None, out=None) → Tensor Divides each element of the input input by the corresponding element of other. \text {out}_i = \frac {\text {input}_i} {\text {other}_i} outi = otheri inputi Note By default, this performs a “true” division like Python 3. See the rounding_mode argument for floor division.
And of these, only Division by zero will signal an exception, the rest will propagate invalid ... import torch as th th.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) ...
24.06.2020 · So I don’t get why there is divide by zero since std should be 0.5, nowhere remotely close to a small value. Thanks for your help! Wesley_Neill (Wesley Neill) June 24, 2020, 5:47pm
06.11.2021 · To perform element-wise division on two tensors in PyTorch, we can use the torch.div () method. It divides each element of the first input tensor by the corresponding element of the second tensor. We can also divide a tensor by a scalar. A tensor can be divided by a tensor with same or different dimension.
torch. div (input, other, out=None) → Tensor. Divides each element of the input input ... Integral division by zero leads to undefined behavior. Parameters.
08.11.2020 · You can replace NaN values obtained after division with 0 using the following method -. Create a ByteTensor indicating the positions of NaN. a != a >> tensor ( [ [False, False], [ True, False], [False, False]]) Replace NaN values indicated by above Tensor with 0.
15.05.2021 · It looks like your issue is due to a troublesome bug in the innards of autograd – not specific to torch.where (), but in lower-level infrastructure. However, in your use case, you can work around it by clamping the denominator of your …
27.06.2019 · Integer division by Zero giving large number results instead of NaN/inf on Windows #22331 ambareeshsrja16 opened this issue Jun 28, 2019 · 2 comments Labels
18.12.2016 · IntTensor ( [ 0, 1 ]) b = torch. IntTensor ( [ 0, 1 ]) print ( a. div ( b )) # Floating point exception (core dumped) Another unrelated weirdness happens with float tensors when the answer is inf import torch a = torch. FloatTensor ( [ 1, 1 ]) b = torch. FloatTensor ( [ 0, 0 ]) a. div ( b) which works on lua torch, but gives