regression - Pytorch loss inf nan - Stack Overflow › questions › 51033066Jun 26, 2018 · Pytorch loss inf nan. I'm trying to do simple linear regression with 1 feature. It's a simple 'predict salary given years experience' problem. The NN trains on years experience (X) and a salary (Y). For some reason the loss is exploding and ultimately returns inf or nan. import torch import torch.nn as nn import pandas as pd import numpy as np ...
Loss.item() is inf or nan - PyTorch Forums › t › loss-item-is-inf-or-nanNov 24, 2018 · I defined a new loss module and used it to train my own model. However, the first batch’s loss always get inf or nan, which leads to fail. I try to print the loss item info as follows: loss item: inf loss item: 7.118189334869385 … loss item: 7.123733997344971 what may it happpens? I test the loss module and it works with some synthesis data. And the module is implemented with torch ...
torch.isinf — PyTorch 1.10 documentation › docs › stabletorch.isinf(input) → Tensor Tests if each element of input is infinite (positive or negative infinity) or not. Note Complex values are infinite when their real or imaginary part is infinite. Parameters input ( Tensor) – the input tensor. Returns A boolean tensor that is True where input is infinite and False elsewhere Example: