torch.lstsq — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation › docs › stabletorch.linalg.lstsq() has reversed arguments and does not return the QR decomposition in the returned tuple, (it returns other information about the problem). The returned solution in torch.lstsq() stores the residuals of the solution in the last m - n columns in the case m > n.
torch.linalg.lstsq — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation › generated › torchtorch.linalg. lstsq (A, B, rcond = None, *, driver = None) ¶ Computes a solution to the least squares problem of a system of linear equations. Letting K \mathbb{K} K be R \mathbb{R} R or C \mathbb{C} C , the least squares problem for a linear system A X = B AX = B A X = B with A ∈ K m × n , B ∈ K m × k A \in \mathbb{K}^{m \times n}, B ...