Torvald Klaveness - A pioneering, data-driven shipping company
www.klaveness.comTorvald Klaveness is a company that has always challenged the status quo. The success and legacy of the company has centred on finding new ways to improve technology and business models in shipping. Our vision of improving the nature of shipping underpins our continued commitment to changing and improving the industry that we are a part of.
Torvald Klaveness — Klaveness Brands Klaveness products or services are to be branded in the same visual profile as the brand itself, using the same colour scheme and font. When marketing products or services, they should always carry the post-fix “by Klaveness”. The minimum amount of clearance around the logo must be equal to the size of the letter “a” in the logo.
Torvald Klaveness, Oslo - Sjøhistorie Torvald Klaveness kom i 1946 til Norge efter å ha arbeiset i Nortraship i New York under krigen. Han startet sin reder i- og megler -virksomhet 1.mars 1946. I 1949 ble rederiet sluttet sammen med det gamle rederi Gørrissen & Co. under navnet Gørrissen & Klaveness A/S med skipsrederne Willy Gørrissen, H. C. Gørrissen og Thorvald Klaveness som innehavere.
Torvald Klaveness — Klaveness Brands › klaAt the core of Torvald Klaveness are the values we live by and the vision we pursue. Our vision is to improve the nature of shipping and underpins our continued commitment to changing and improving the industry we are part of. The vision provides direction and guiding along three dimensions: IMPROVING - We always look for new solutions
Torvald Klaveness Group - Wikipedia Torvald Klaveness Group is a Norwegian shipping company founded in 1946. Klaveness Marine was demerged from it in 2011.. History. The company was founded by Torvald Faye Klaveness in 1946, who served as the company's president and chief executive officer until 1989. He was succeeded by his son Tom Erik Klaveness, who was later succeeded by another of …